Saturday, September 08, 2007

Orange and creamy beige offered on Radha's appearance day and now it seems such a long time away. It was in the late summer of nine years past while SGM was here to celebrate during his stay. Singing songs and quoting the slokas, how she had come down from Goloka. All were stunned to hear the transcendental sound wanting to catch was was coming down.
Speeding past the gecko, the Italian restaurant there's a hotel on the rise. i went on down to the market where the devotees go. i hadn't noticed but it was time for them to close and one asked if i'd take a cookie, all our friends had been by. One told me how it the temple in Saint Petersburg is on the beach and life is good. Just then an agent came along and reminded me to get along for the time for the sandhya was coming up fast. i dashed along the waterfront up the hoot hill where the hogfarm was just a blur. The whaler had always seemed so clear before but now just a sound as i pedaled by. The lights were on my side, yes they were, and brought me back to the asrama just in the nick of time.
The most blessed event is the night dress tonight. They dance away in memory of the appearance of their most intimate servitor who cast his net upon the western shore delivering us the treasure of Mahaprabhu's sankirtan. Thus they go on until the morning



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