Wednesday, July 18, 2007

If you go off to Vraja to buy new Deity clothes
Even going to a tailor whose reputation everybody knows
Won't stop logic and proportion from falling over dead
This dress is a prime example for backwards are made dhotis the
That only not too down side up
So take note of how the ad man squawks
“Money talks, nobody walks!”
As the motorcycle sloka slinger sang with joy this morning it turned out to be a “Lucky” day. For he was practicing the style of those who Bungle in the jungle and taking “Laxmi” to be said as “Lucky”. And as his song wound along Mahaprabhu out foxed a conquering pandit who took the Ganga to be a second “Lucky devi”
To begin from the asrama and go to the swami's post box continue through the village tracing up to the wharf the sheer cliff where the tourist people go pedaling in places only they will know. Past the house with the New York Metropolitans flag around to the public radio, the tennis park and the electronic store then back for the vaikalika service. Off again off again past the car wash and the dealership where the radicals broke the glass. Laughing while passing the living staff to the gecko wraped around the wheel one more time. Then to the church by the sea on to the harbor road. Up by the society for the prevention of cruelty to akincana then around where the werewolves congregate. As i came upon the bend where the cow ranch is i perchance to pass another pedaler. His was a much more experienced looking pedaler than i. Yet i heard him exclaim as i passed on his left "I'll pass you again!!!!" i shot back "i'm sure you will" "It's always good to have some one to ride with" he said from my back wheel" "Yes! it makes me put out more!!" i answered. As i got to the asrama drive i told him "This is where i'll leave you" "Thanks" he said "You've given so much inspiration"
The lotus nails are a much better match for the muggy weather of this evening. Bhakta Blade, though was having such a tough time of it though. He knocked Gandharvika's hair around once, fixed up, then again, a third time and maybe even a fourth. As if that wasn't enough he went to Mahaprabhu and ashe was about to take off the kirta he tapped his ring into the flower vase. "i think your 'mad skills' have went on vacation" i told him, "I hope they return with lots of money for me from Los Vegas" "Of course" i concluded.



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