Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cana and blue and molten gold when the folks come see the Deities and after their dandavat when the approach they say “Ahhhh!” One asks and I tell him the name is Havirbhu, born of butter, and he says “Ahhhh” Chifony chodders Mahaprabhu and Giridhari. Mahaprabhu has a similary chiffon sash and Gandharvika's veil is cut from the same cloth. Gladiolas, roses, labatira, and daisies make the garlands that swing to and fro as the Deities dance in time to the kirtan. The motorcycle sloka slinger heard the call of Janis and Mr. Mojo yesterday and petitioned the lord to buy him a Mercedes Benz. Such devotees receive their engagements, seats and conveyances for their service. Then he sang of the devotees in nilacala of mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Acarya . Singing of the useful ones passing by those who weren't only to point to the glory of those who were.
pedaling along to one local shop for hydration then on to the home of Bhakta Blade round about the mental hospital and then the clock tower back to the jalepeno and then around the harbor the opal cliff and the wharf back to get slapped on the back by the wandering mendicant
the night is hot but the Deities still engage in their joyous pastimes, the touch that kills under the constellations



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