Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In a land where all wear dhoti's how could such a thing take place?
Go back to this mistaken tailor and get right in his face
“”Hey there Baba tailor, just what have you done?”
“” Surely you didn't on purpose it must have all been just for fun.”
That's right the dhotis in this dress are backward. This is a prefab outfit but still several improvisations had to be made.
Gandharvika's front pleats were made from other cloth. The sash and chodder of Mahaprabhu are of the sleeves of another dress. Today's garlands are of carnations, a little uniform and not as spectacular as the ones yesterday that were of flowers picked from the asrama's land.
A pedaling surprise today was one of the fields of construction was completed and the road was passable. As I went between the lakes the ocean side featured thirty sailboats dotted the white caps. There is the chill that keeps the sufferers at home has returned. Around the cruiser center and the twenty-four hour nautical past the homeless monument back over the repaired road one more time over the creek and the art store. Next came hospital curve and the place where the state of the art is service and to the California sun sign cross the light and the asrama is only a hop, skip and a jump away
The lotus nails this evening and Bhakta Blade's mad skills were very active. "By my mad skills we'll have the Deities dressed by nine thirty!" Would you believe ten o'clock? Well any way it was earlier than usual. He told me "If you hadn't been dressing the small deities there I could have finished by my prediction, but because you were there I couldn't finish with Mahaprabhu in time" In the meantime Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari go on enjoying like anything



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