Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Krsna accepted the peacock as his spiritual master because the peacock taught him how to dance. This one both Mahaprabhu and Giridhari have capes. Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika's dresses are a peacock shade of blue. So this one is called Krsna's guru Natha! Or do you believe in rock and roll and can you teach me how to dance real slow. The flower crowns and effulgence top it off. "This is so spectacular" most people said when they saw it. Gandharvika's belt with the ribbons and flowers. She has an underskirt and one the goes over it but stops about two inches before the other one and it also has lacey trim that opens in the center to show the underskirt and the ribbons flowing down. This one was a janmastami dress of a couple of years ago. Since Mahaprabhu and Giridhari only have vests and no kirtas they only wear it in the warm months. Today was warm enough to be the day they start to wear it again.
Then for the festival of Nrsinghcaturdasi they got the white and green with a touch of what the seamstress calls fuschia. i swear i'm color blind when i hear how my ideas of colors are so far from hers. This one is a rich soft silk. One of the far afield folks sent some the cloth for this one. Since Mahaprabhu recomended the worship of the "half civilized jungle girls", Nrsinghadeva is a lion and this will become a night dress, the name is "deep within the far off jungle" because the lion sleeps tonight. This was the first time our fearless leader gave public aknowledgement to the seamstress and her crew. There is hope for the seamstris
Sprinting down from the asrama to the harbor high hill turning and back over the creek to the frog's gym and on along to the fruit market and around the opal cliffs and then back to the celebration of the lion.
Tonight they began their night pastimes earlier than usual and so they must be partying hardy.



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