Thursday, May 03, 2007

The oldest of all, but in a new dress. This is tissue paper silk that was bought by Bhakta Blade's mother. While he and i dressed them this morning he kept singing "He's watching us now from the eye of the peacock" since i told him that our fearless leader said that unless there is a peacock feather with an eye showing it doesn't count as Krsna's peacock feather, so we had to add a small peacock feather that included an eye. Today's garlands are of the vijayanti type. That is they have five colors of flowers and reach the Lord's knees. As you can see they easily reach their knees.
Pedaling twice out today. First around the opal cliff to the village and then to the hook down to the corner that leads to the light house and on to the sunny cove which this time led me on back to wake them. After that came the second round. That went down to the hospital then to brommer and the basketball park, the fruit market that has turned over a new one, past the tennis park back around the opal cliff to the hook and up the road for the sandhya.
Krsna is wearing orange in this night dress so one of it's names is "Krsna is a bramhacari". Once when the cowherd girls had to cross the Yamuna they asked Krsna how to do that since there weren't any boatmen to take them across. He told them to say that, when they did the water parted and they walked across. This evening with the rain coming down they may well have to say it again if they are to go out dancing.



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