once near Guru Maharaja's appearance day
a new olive colored outfit was on it's way
murk wondered what would be the name
listening to some kids at there word play
out of nowhere the answer came
when a phrase got pushed together in a little gaff
"diet olive" came to be which brought a laugh
and then on this day with heavy offerings made
they knew it was a good day for a diet love
well the lush jungle has engulfed us
when cycle babble and i head for the cement boat
spin down the winding road
passing Mahamuni's post box and antique shop
there's a team up ahead
they must be slow as we over take and feel the thrill
then we spin through the opals
time for the ceremony of the bells
so we hammer through marcedo de los pulagas
bow to ratha-bhojana-vrksa like grand master said
and dress the thakuras in synchronicity
for the night before ekadasi
Friday, November 23, 2012
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