Tuesday, November 13, 2012

on the simhasana the thakuras attract all with their gentle smiles and dance chase away all anxieties with the smile
at the bottom of Srimati Gandharvika's sari murk quietly wonders am i the only one who remembers that artist mister max who was famous in days of yore for his psychedelic paintings capturing rainbows and sunshine in ways most sublime leis of roses petals lilies and surya puspa frillies cycling the winding road hearing the bird calls and smelling the autumn leaves such good stress relief spinning to the beach wondering of the sufferers are navigating by the stars through the cove and harbor tennis game each ride is anything but plain people with in their winter gear cycle babble and i realize we got to get on out of here the ceremony of the bells is underway all the people pray for a vision of the thakuras in the touch that kills creamy white and red at mangle arati while the day's energy builds take a look and see what came in the mail today wow the small Deities new outfit check this out it's got "pills" written on it oh yeah, like Mahaprabhu, what did he say? "I've got the medicine to cure the disease of illusion" make maya take a holiday lack of flowers for the leis watch the makers play a bunch of daisy mums with sumanas flowers even leaves come in this needy hour kirtan sounds ankle bells and kartalas chime even the most hard hearted taste pleasure sublime on the thakuras they become most amazing afternoon's quiet so cycle babble and i spin slow along the street we very well know dressing like a team is well worth while absorbed in the memory of thakura's gentle smile sprinting carefully want to stay free of the real team's attitude continue in our casual mood coming to the treacherous triangle once again chance to get through i'll tell you when not yet but soon the beasts will be separating pushing through can't be waiting to the long winding road we go ratha-bhojana-vrksa our respect we show Mahamuni has gone away so the mellow fellow show us the way to the ceremony of the bells the sound of kirtan swells in the evening the lion laughs so many nightdresses the thakuras hath deep blue and yellow assisted by the mellow fellow the lights go out and they take rest without a doubt


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