Thursday, November 22, 2012

the seamstress had this outfit made in vrndavan gave them a pattern thought she'd told them everything they'd need to know but we found the dhotis were backward just in the nick of time turn them upside down make a way out of the bind and they'll turn out so fine full rose leis standard for wednesday flowing in the dance hooray in the afternoon sunny cove beckons to join the rush in among the racers so well heeled and such all the while our inner messenger is waiting break out weaving through the folks leaving no doubt we're on the amateur side of the line tracing the beach and hills to climb always conscious of the ceremony of the bells has us under the kala rupa's spell ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees our palms fold gotta sprint all the way up the road at the ashram it's a mellow fellow kind of guy greeting us with arms held high after bells they prepare for rest green and purple trimmed with silver anyone in their glance will be blessed


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