Wednesday, October 24, 2012

dancing and jumping so high trying to glimpse this site of nila aruna and syama LIVE in the arena of pure consciousness the very
best way is to join in the kirtan party dancing downtown singing the name such lovely leis can't believe our eyes roses marigolds with surya puspa smiling at all placing this dream inside our saddle bags respecting the thakura while cycling along stopping to laugh at the name a shop "five feet from the moon" then on down the street recumbent cyclists, errand runners so glad i'm on the crossover relaxed geometry easily spinning back home kumara and tall paul welcome cycle babble in blowing the shank and the ceremony of the bells begins mahaprabhu peeking through curtains drawn being dressed in his night dress and taking too long each day the scene is sweeter than the one before come to mangle arati and join in the song


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