Tuesday, October 23, 2012

with only 47 days till janmastami one of the young ones came to let the thakuras see asked if there was a new outfit on the way and could it be yellow and red for that day they'd look brilliant as the sun do you think it could be done? as it entered my mind presented the idea seamstress "that helps me out of the bind" impromptu leis of roses daisies and a few more tuberoses Giridhari and Gandharvika have yellow traditional mango for Mahaprabhu at the stroke of midnight the shank blew curtain opened and in ecstatic joy the devotees screamed overcome by what they all seen cycle babble and i hear a screech owl as we start out on the prowl over the first highway to the whalers who chant the name as they detail round the spinner's church to delaware sprinting along to the clock square hammering main street through the lot respect ratha-bhojana-vrksa bowing at the spot ceremony of the bells all the while kirtan swells nightdress they call east bengal the radhadesa this one's baby blue such a wonderful face come to mangle arati no one else can take your place


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