Wednesday, October 17, 2012

traditional colors are fun at any time sometimes it's just what will make the devotees cry out loud what an especially beautifully blue dress with mahaprabhu in mango orange giridhari in yellow rosé zinnias and plumerious in the leis lilies in the center watch how they play another warm day inviting cycle babble and i absorb the sun remembering the thakuras and how they look in sue 'nila vasana oh gurudeva's unlimited mercy all along the coast joggers sufferers and cyclists are in view outside Seymour's museum there's a whole zoo of both real and imaginary pets the mountain men coming in from the wilder trail once again following the faster lead by the toad casting off our fatigue as if a heavy load sufferer thakura turns his flock's frowns upside down the pitch is on the left under first highway the way that's best to the winding street fragrance of wild flowers and birds tweet ratha-bhojana-vrksa and we bow round the bend are the longhorn cows acarya's party welcomes cycle babble in minutes before bells begins changing their clothes for an evening dance orange and silver soft leaves all in trance


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