Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Five point six that's what it was. "The Deities weren't moving or anything?"
the kernel of divine love asked "Well, their crowns did fall into their faces" i replied. "Does that mean they were dancing around?" "Yeah, they were really rocking and rolling" Giridhari's breathing was quick and Mahaprabhu's sequins shook. The garland Gandharvika held was swaying with each shake of the simasana. Nila walla nila!
Racing with the sunset this afternoon, there are still a few pedalers left out on the road but it's getting harder to describe drivers to the non motorized. The bright hallogens area blinding as the sun so all the pedalers still in their rhinestone shades or even cheap sunglasses. Some have their torches attached to their head gear and others tape them around the handalbar others just brave the dark by their cat like vision or maybe they're just like bats and navigating by their sonar radar. i straddle the two for this evening and sprint back up the long and winding so as to finish under the tag of the prince of darkness.
"This veil doesn't obey me" Bhakta Blade declared. "When I put the belt on it goes wonk!" So he tries again "Well tonight it didn't do that" Pralad-a-dad cooperated! And after the all the excitement of the evening the Deities happily enjoyed their pastimes.



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