Iiiiit's Kartik! The month of Radharani. The true value of a silk turban, millions of opulences are of no use, only the merciful glance of Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvika-Giridhari in their copper, blue seed beads, white coat and blue dhoti is all in all. The rose and mum garlands sway as their earrings shake while the maker inspired the extra kirtan for the month.
Meanwhile the run to mahamuni's post box then up snob hill to the soccer pitch and the wharf road and the long and winding path back for the vaikalika offering. Then around the flower shop turn on past the shelter to the twin lakes, up to the sunny cove and the opal and east cliffs with a bit of a chill in the air the sufferers have stayed where ever else they suffer. Back through the main drag for the sandhya.
What a night for a dance under the full moon, deep within the far off jungle. The full moon of the saradiya season.
Labels: namam isvaram
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