Friday, August 24, 2007

Sometimes parts of the outfit which are for the pujari's eyes only are as beautiful and well done as the parts that everyone else gets to see. This dress has one of those parts but.....Gandharvika is always bang on time with her service so it's only fitting and proper that this one was an offering for Radhastami. As the outfit was being put on them for the first time the seamstress putra showed me the bells on her skirt "this should inspire you" Today's garlands follow the forms of each Deity and look so full and opulent and serve as proof that they are supreme for an ordinary person trying to wear such garlands would have trouble carrying that weight.
To the wharf road around the circle formed by connecting the hospital turn down to the public radio going between the lakes along the east cliff and by the fruit market and to the gecko past the theater and the hog farm. Next is the harbor and then the point to the hook and seeing all the sufferers in between. On to the wharf road and keeping the lieberry on my left i head to the asrama along the winding road where the deer are often seen.
Making it through the Janmastami festival and having enough to dress the Deities in this purple, lavender and gold lemae is a miracle mom. The night is heavy with dew and so they might even take an umberella along on their late night pastimes tonight.



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