Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sandalwood bracelets, silver ankle bells when the curtain opens all the folks will yell
Long kirta, pink sash when they quiet down all the cameras flash
Turban on top, wide chodder sure makes him easy to spot.
They join his kirtan from near and far
'cause everybody knows this one's called superstar.
Around the golden touch place to the fruit market and beyond to the cemetary to one of the many antique shops. Back for vaikalika. Some one calls and the answerer doesn't come find me so i go back to the gecko and the theater back way to the hog farm and the harbor between the lakes and the windmill then the opal cliff, the hook and back for the sandhya. Even if i thought of seeing the kernel of divine love Giridhari seems to have other ideas.
His lotus nails ripped the chest of Hiranyakasipu to deliver the demigods. After that the evening pastimes go on in great happiness.


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