Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"How cool is that?" Bhakta Blade asks "This dress is named after me" That is 'Nila. That's cause nila means blue but blue is such a vanilla name for an outfit. One of Bhakta Blade's neighbors used to call him 'nila as in vanilla wafers. The garlands are of puffy roses that shed all over the altar when they come off at night.
It was time to take my pedals in for an adjustment today so after a loop around the village and the opal cliff to the sunny cove and through the market. Then after that one of the folks asked if was going out to pedal so i got out the nowhere bike and made it road ready and pedaled off. One of the other folks was leaving the frog and thought he'd try and catch me but he didn't do it somehow or other. i didn't even know he was there, i never saw him.
With the chilly nights lately the Deities were glad to wear their lions club dress this evening with it's velvet like cloth to keep them warm against the fresh wind


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