Sunday, December 24, 2006

"Superstar? I thought it was the yellow, gold and white" "Well i'm sure i put the right picture up and it's pink, white and silver." "Well the hair decorations will go anyway" That's what the Saturday hairdresser said to me. The garlands were quite good today. They have rose petals, leaves and one whole rose in the center. Rather than folding the petals they are rolled along with the leaves which gives a new kind of look.
As the Christmas shopping season comes to an end i pedal past the shops and they close almost in succession as i pass. Traffic is light on the cliff and through the shopping precinct almost no one out and people walk calmly and quietly. Then around the horn on past the park and the license branch, the toffynosed restaurant back to the asrama.
New chodders, that's what one of the folks gave the Deities for Christmas, in fact that's the only present they've been given this year. Pink for Gandharvika, blue for Giridhari and a black model for Mahaprabhu. And to all a good night.

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