Friday, December 15, 2006

As the garland maker brought the second garland to the altar i had to say "i'm glad i've got the curtain closed" "Why?" asked garland maker, "Are you doing things we shouldn't see?" "Yes" i answered. But i had already put a garland on Giridhari and when that one came i could tell that it should be Giridhari's. i changed them and with the curtain closed no one would know that i'd done that. The second ekadasi and so the queen was here as in days of old. "Look at that jewelry" someone else said. It was made for a puspa abhiseka celebration a few years ago now but just has that ever-fresh quality that Krsna has.
What a day for pedaling. One of the few days in the last week or two that the rain wasn't a factor. Still the roads are wet but the sun did come out for more of today than for what seems like ever. The usual run around by the pleasure point, the hook and the village up the rise and past the fruit and vegetable markets to the road most traveled and back to the asrama.
They told me lies this evening, as i put the Deities to bed. i mean they got ready early and went without any real setbacks. hmmmm.



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