Tuesday, December 19, 2006

'Nila the blue and gold dress. Mahaprabhu has yellow pants and a sequin blue kirta while Gandharvika and Giridhari have the same shade of blue but without sequins and gold. Giridhari's jacket has gold leaves swirling through it. Ganharivka's has triangle of gold and blue with gold appliques. Today's garlands were made from the ends of the flowers. Rolled rather than folded rose petals with some whole roses and mums. Not the suspended animation garlands of yesterday though.
The cold won out today. The barn had to give me shelter. i went willing to pedal away because of the thin layer of ice from the day. Bhakta Blade did come and talk with me to help keep my mind occupied though.
Then while dressing the Deities in the Lions club, he tried to put Gandharvika into the high fashion mode. That is he tried to put some of the inside things on the outside. "This belt sure is weird!' He exclaimed. Then i had to show him what the "belt" really was. Otherwise they got to bed pretty much on time.

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