Wednesday, April 03, 2013

spirits are high hearing and remembering how many flowers are in the leis putting them on opening the curtain devotees sing the kirtan out for shopping filling our saddle bags milk sugar and spies for sweet rice just can't be wrong from the hook to the point and cove to natasala singing along with the whalers that bathing song through the southland folding our palms to ratha-bhojana-vrksa greeted by the kernel of divine love ringing the evening bells Mahaprabhu behind the curtains drawn being dressed in emerald and pink and taking too long meanwhile back in the forest the peacocks cuckoos danced this blue with orange was an outfit for tuesday with full rose leis the devotees came for darsana with much expectation of seeing how free they all can be with the rose leis wrapping round their forms as they follow the flute into an ecstatic trance in the afternoon cycle babble and i were struck with wonder finding ourselves on the downtown river trail with our minds cobwebs plundered cycling our concerns away darting around people at play as we go beneath the bridge local eyes look on half stunned at the two cyclists on the run at the corner near the cruiser king we already hear the whalers sing to all those waiting for their beasts round the south land bowing to ratha-bhojana-vrksa seeking inner peace today it's seamstress herself welcoming us for evening bells and at the end the blessing spell nightdress of pink and emerald "aye matey as you may have guessed talking like a pirate the thakuras take their rest"


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