Saturday, March 30, 2013

it was Gaura Purnima the arati was late teacher bringing a class had asked that it wait said his students were excited about Saint Patrick's day told them Gaura Purnima is Saint Patrick's day in our way purple chodders like those of the priest in the Easter season an interesting combination to say the least rose leis are made full and first rate this outfit's name Saint Patrick's easter come fashionably late afternoon had come to blow the cobwebs from our brain cycle babble and i were out to beat the rain round the point of the hook the cove and harbor it keeps us sane to the natasala round the corner treacherous triangle entering the chocolate strawberry plain recreational cyclists and trainers alike past marcedo de las pulgas in the usual refrain ratha-bhojana-vrksa smiles as we bow on the instruction again and again meanwhile back at the ashram hada marina greets us incense is lit and bells begin in the evening white red and olive the far off jungle deep within dancing until sunrise bells continues the chain


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