Sunday, April 28, 2013

an early spring day so they put on a watercolor display blue and yellow with lotus flowers and dragonflies leis have fluffy rose and overflow with pink jasmine cycle babble and i hammer away for a couple of hours today it blows the cobwebs out of our brain so we don't get hung up thinking bad things between the lakes to natasala and saint dagwood's park taking the trail through on a lark bridge crosses the creek that's left of a river once there the bed reveals trees dunes and shells swept by the air back round the corner and cruiser king the toad is there adding some swing marcedo de las pulgas open now but nothing there attracts us anyhow respecting ratha-bhojana-vrksa as gurudeva said to the ashram drive we are led the kernel of divine love is the greeter and the bells incense smells sweeter in evening it's Hiranya Kasipu gold and mellow yellow too come for sunrise bells and be blessed for starting the day it 's the best


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