Tuesday, April 23, 2013

curtain opens showing the charm of their gentle smile inviting all alway from the mundane outfits show the seamstress' individual style a mixture of east and west seed bead peacock feathers red with blue and green trim in peacock shades rose leis are full and bouncy red, pink and white afternoon cycle babble and i are out Mahamuni's post and lion's park along the point of the hook between the lakes folks out escaping the heat cooler air as fog rolls in faces break into grins cyclists out for to play in the sun pedaling hard and having the maximum amount of fun over the first highway through the parking lot round the south land a team flashes by boy is their pace line taught ratha-bhojana-vrksa offers shade in response to the bow of the god brothers vijaya is there greeting us under cover bells begin sunset is nigh on the evening brings dark blue and yellow of the laughing lion


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