Saturday, March 16, 2013

take darsana of the thakuras in their purple yellow and blue will make us more fortunate than we could ever know offering the dust from their lotus toes see how the bhakti lata bija grows from Srimati Gandharvika's heart comes Giridhari's form of Mahaprabhu leis sway with each dancing movement made of rose will attract attention of every honest man cycle babble and i are on the winding street scent of spring flowers and bird's songs fill the air to soothe the mind and ease the pain so it's natural to fix the vision of the thakuras in mind while we spin down each and every lane the sun is out warm days are here the cyclists are all in good cheer cycles decorated with all kinds of flowers, flags and figures super heroes from the cartoons on handlebars or balloons lion's park and skater's hill across a footbridge with a familiar tune words caress your ears and feed your mind by the cove problems have been left behind weaving thru joggers and skaters practicing by running between the wharf and breakers round the corner thru treacherous triangle cyclists and beasts always tangle up next hill to campa hatti of franc's ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees our bowed heads and goes into trance as the bells ring the devotees dance hada madrina welcomes us back nightdress of olive, green red and white deep within the jungle away from the pack till sunrise bells brings them back


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