Sunday, March 10, 2013

take this yellow silk design an outfit for Gaura Purnima trim it broad blue brocade with sumanas flowers make vests with cuffs and armbands too cause i'm a sumanas child and by offering my sumanas flower and by offering my sumanas flower at the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu my material life will be through rose and mum leis sway with their dancing motion this fine day spinning down the winding street birds singing and leaves coming out on the trees left on main street past Mahamuni's post box into lion's park cooled by the breeze up skater's hill where they're perfuming so many feats under the first highway to point and the hook there's a couple of e bikes come to have a good look in the cove kites are flying high over head of us sprinting by up the avenue to campa hatti ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees us bow and is happy at the ashram gate mi ray is there welcoming us hoping that with bells the incense fragrance will soon fill the air gold and soft yellow, Hiranya Kasipu, nightdress dancing all night removing all stress waiting for sunrise bells in brahma muhurta the day begins


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