Thursday, February 28, 2013

coming in for darsana today you can probably guess what i saw lots of devotees chanting Gaura hari and they said come on we'll take you home so i presented myself to the thakuras for their service there they were in orange and white Giridhari with a turban and Mahaprabhu with yet another 3derful cape at the bottom of Srimati Gandharvika's sari beads had aligned in a mischievous smile their leis are of narcissus mums and petals whose fragrance captivated each and every mind by now cycle babble and i had sprinted through the jungle to the hook's point and wrapped around the cove in the harbor the boats were pumping out smoke like a wood stove round the corner natasala had people in a line all around the block looked like they were ready to rock we could tell by the sun soon the bells would have begun Vijaya was the greeter saying blow that sank! nightdress with orange pants and sari kirta and dhoti from one angle is green and the other looks red like lotus nails are a weapon yet simultaneously not so come along to the morning bells and your spirit will climb!


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