Tuesday, December 04, 2012

now December's come when the chilly winds begin to blow so they face the day with capes trimmed with black and Srimati Gandharvika's has a hood white dhotis, chodders and sari are bright bringing to mind Kuruksetra and the words "I shall not fight" bhajana here is of the highest kind for Srimati Gandharvika feels the most need for service in her mind leis of flowers brought by Mahaprabhu's call roses, petals and leaves the devotees used them all now as the trees begin to shed cycle babble and i continue to spin in the afternoon we sprint off up beach hill and see sufferer thakura again unusually the breeze is warm as we pass through the abhavan mauli farm after seeing the natural bridge the lord he called us back ceremony of the bells pulled us through the training pack turning the corner through treacherous triangle whalers kirtan down that hill and up the next with speed we hammer on ratha-bhojan-vrksa smiles mildly at our folded palms we arrive the kernel of divine love is calm after fixing a flat the mellow fellow assists as the thakuras put on their evening hat baby blue and white once again it's day's end and they dance away the night


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