Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sue 'nila vasana a beautiful blue dress Mahamuni brought for Gaura Purnima day Mango and green for Mahaprabhu purple and yellow Giridhari traditional colors for those two petal and whole roses combine for kaleidoscopic leis such a sight takes all that is troublesome away cycle babble and i out in the afternoon sun now that it's dry round the opal's place and point of the hook over the bridge in the harbor the boats are out just look round the corner the cruiser king is on the sidewalk again treacherous triangle slowing the traffic for all to get through saluting the whalers as we often do ratha-bhojana-vrksa smiles at us we bow sprinting through the curves watched by a farmer's cow su santidad welcomes us back for the bells kirtan begins and devotion of the folks jells orange with a panel skirt prahlad-a-dad nightdress designer expert dancing all night till brahma muhurta's shows it's first light


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