Tuesday, October 09, 2012

as the seamstress passed through the bazaar time for a new outfit was coming even more near silk of seed beaded feathers came strongly into her vision a tailor in kirta and pajama smiles showing teeth red as pomegranates asks weren't you once in another society or was it just an apparition? before she had chance to ask if that was in 74 or 5 she felt the tug of a tiny monkey and the wheels of a rickshaw stuck in a rut deep as it was wide his broken english was mostly in hindi trying to decipher it she gathered her bilingual skills together dusting them off was able to understand bring the silk to my shop with some dhupa and dipa and i'll have it ready for Janmastami today it wasn't so easy getting the leis together 'specially when the usual maker asked for a stand in two hours before and flowers had to be picked from the land bottle brush and other delights now cycle babble and i are sailing along respecting ratha-bhojana-vrksa on cycles made of light and cork filled tape coming to the beach hill someone asks you guys don't look so much like cyclists well there just aren't enough titanium components to go round meandering past the sea lion rock and the mariposa trail sprinting past spinner's church leaving skaters in the lurch circling through the treacherous triangle slowing and fading fast once more respecting ratha-bhojana-vrksa hammering quicker and quicker passing the training team up ahead turning to the asrama greeted by the kernel of divine love raising his arms sandhya is charmed while in "baby blue" the thakuras
take their rest or whatever they really do


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