connecting thread of red and blue
Srimati Gandharvika's grape skirt a little short it's true
add another ruffle make it with flair
complete the picture with care
leis of tiny orchids and roses
a few narcissus and hyacinth for their noses
yellow purple and a little pink
push the limit of beauty to the brink
now two separate chodders
for Giridhari on Sunday
floating in a unique way
two jeweled flowery chodders
there aren't words enough to say
two separate chodders
mukuts brought the colors to life
leis of stock roses and a jonquil handful
spinning round with their dancing looks the best
pedaling along the main street
past marcedo de las pulgas where turtle doves tweet
happily to the beach hill
and natural bridges adorned with mossy frills
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls us back
once more to wake the thakuras form their nap
and see the two separate chodders
on an overcast spring forward day
in the evening red blue and green
a nightdress so fine to be seen
after dancing through the evening
'till brahma muhurta kirtan fest
around Radhastami with coming wind and rain
seamstress thought of an outfit to keep the thakuras warm
black and white with red velvet capes
with Srimati Gandharvika in a hood
now as the last of the orchids from hawaii are used for leis
devotees remember Gaura Purnima
how merciful Guru and Gauranga are
offering the gift of sankirtana
though rain has been forecast for the week
there hasn't been enough to speak
along the main street
to hear the whalers sing
Cycle Babble and i weave among the errand runners
to see udila naksatranam
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls us home
later sunset celebration chanting om
Bhakta Blade officiates
Baby blue on this evening's date
they enjoy like anything under the cloudy sky
till once again brahma muhurta opens our eyes
come running to make the outfit for Gaura Purnima
can't wait to see the new dress gleam
when the curtain opens you may need sun block
all the folks will be anxiously watching the clock
orange and blue all present gape
counting the pieces in Srimati Gandharvika's sari and Mahaprabhu's cape
loudly chanting and laughing too
all eyes in Jarikhanda forest strained to see him going through
purple red and orange roses in the leis
seamstress counted forty pieces that day
Cycle Babble and i see the drops of rain
forming puddles under oil in the traffic lane
could be a team up ahead working out
catch up to them find out what their all about
through lion's park to skater's hill
man at campa hatti filling the bill
through the village but the tourists are gone
won't be back till they feel the sun coming on
ratha-bhojana-vrska tries to make some sense
better get back and jump over the fence
kalarupa sets the pace most of the journey
as we greet Kumar sunset service has maya on the gurney
talking like a pirate babji
rides a horse of color never seen by you or me
fearlessly enters marikatamani puri
Srimati Gandharvika's effulgence is flowing
all around
if it pulls you up it'll never let you down
that's the amazing thing
about this pink, white and diamond outfit
her effulgence is displayed prominently
floating so well on the breeze
rose and leaf leis always please
raindrops keep falling everywhere
But between them Cycle Babble and i pedal and laugh without a care
the harder core cyclists find it cool
and in that mystic corridor cyclists rule
round the hook between the lakes
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls come back for heaven's sake
following kalarupa we get inside the gate
before the secret corridor disintegrates
as the sun goes down
and the shank sounds
the devotees all gather round
joining the ceremony of the bells
then their spirits swell
pale green purple and silver
dress tonight
thakuras dance by the fire's light
enjoying as long as the embers glow
right on up to the brahma muhurta show
today the thakuras are wearing Diet Olive
Mahaprabhu with his vest all three with the inverted pleat motive
their gentle smiles inviting all to serve
leis of snap dragons roses narcissus gerbera daises follow their body's curve
once again Cycle Babble and i enter between the drops
into the mystic corridor to pedal without getting sopped
a brave band of errand runners join in
this marvelous invention
in such a short time ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls come in from the rain
follow kalarupa back to the ashram plane
come celebrate the ceremony of the bells
seeing the faces of the thakuras will make you feel so well
Murka knows it's truthful
Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharivka-Giridhari glow ever youthful
evening brings Mahaprabhu in his dhoti white
Giridhari in the orange like a brahmacari tonight
Srimati Gandharvika has a purple sari
like the chodders of Mahaprabhu and Sri Giridhari
dancing and dancing they enjoy like anything
choreographed to the brahma muhurta bells ringing
when the full moon of phalguna is in the sky
sign of the lion in the jotish cakra
lion sign also in the moment of birth
sound of kirtan in the air
a great personality is appearing
by the river Giridhari is playing his flute
meditating on Srimati Gandharivka's feet
from the temple of her heart
Mahaprabhu's golden form is coming
leis today of snap dragons and petals too
rose at Giridhari's chodder and knee
turn their faces for the world to see
while that spring rain is still falling
the mystic corridor keeps calling
peddlers laugh while shifting gears
while their cabin fever disappears
most may never hear that sound
of the peddlers wafting over the ground
till Cycle Babble and i hear ratha-bhojana-vrksa call
we turn as usual and begin to haul
celebration of the sunset begins
when Murka sound the shank again
night dress of black with brown
and red that forms a phoenix bird with it's crown
dancing and dancing
till up to brahma muhurta when bhaktas come to sing
seeing the thakuras rise from bed
as folks walked into the natha mandir
saw the thakuras in a magical dress
all were amazed saying seamstress is quite impressive
a bungler asked if her could believe his eyes
are there both dragon and butterflies
in water color on this outfit
coming in for a closer look
checking out the leis
must have been a thousand petals
folded into patterns so bright they seamed to be ablaze
yet not a one of those folks knew
i was once a flower child
Cycle Babble said to me if we don't start pedaling
while it isn't raining
we'll be sorry
OPT made it a rare day coming with us here
like his brother who's hard core and pedals a fixed gear
sprinting through the village to have a little fun
it's where all the tourists go to bake out in the sun
yet they've never worshiped Vivasvan
who is the sun god
then from over our shoulder
heard ratha-bhojana-vrksa calling our names home
so we hammered back main street
to meet kalarupa
as we crossed the gate the shank was played
ceremony of the bells began
all the mission round mango yellow and blue
unusual but this synchronicity is true
and the thakuras enjoy like anything
early in this season of spring
next day it was ekadasi second this month
they wore every color in the rainbow
like a Queen from olden days
with rose and mum leis
reflecting every ray of sunshine
another day when Cycle Babble and i
were dry enough to pedal in the open
past the hook and the point then between the lakes
so much fun for gracious sakes
then ratha-bhojana-vrksa made the call
Cycle Babble knew we had to haul
or we'd be late for their waking
kalarupa showed us both the way
to make it back before the end of the day
Murka officiated the ceremony of the bells
singing with devotees brought smiles through the ashram dells
in the evening thakuras dressed in the touch that kills
to free us from mundane ills
make us all feel healthy
while they dance all night
in their silk from China
Janmastami day was coming
looking each day in the mail
for the dress for the small thakuras
when it arrived in a bag
and man who could understand why it said "pills"
was this one of the higher quarter's gag's?
reminiscent of Mahaprabhu as our only friend
and how he devised hari nama sankirtana
to cure all Kali's ills
today the leis have some roses
but mostly "mums" are the word
touching their knees in a light way
so they don't even feel the weight
now Cycle Babble and i are pedaling at the usual rate
and we see an interesting inscription surrounding a license plate
some towns boast being "by the sea"
but this one said it's "by the creek"
we just couldn't stop laughing
all the way to where the whalers were singing
isn't it so much fun when your pedaling friends
can talk look and remember all the same songs
and you do the same for them
we went on down to the sunny cove
but with the stiff breeze it sure felt cold
and between the lakes the geese were looking for a way to keep warm
right on to the tennis court where the players are on form
we pedaled as hard as we could
till ratha-bhojana-vrksa called out so we headed by to the wood
meeting kalarupa he leads us to the ashram fence
while Bhakta Blade is conducting the ceremony in the present tense
the laughing lion is this night's dress
by remembering his lotus feet we'll pedal
right out of this mess
and be there for the brahma muhurta celebration
of the new day with anticipation
Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari upon their throne
looked out at all their grinning devotees
in their yellow and blue dress
from Nrsimha Caturdasi
someone noticed the parrots hiding
in both Srimati Gandharvika's sari and Mahaprabhu's belt
while the maker brewed some leis of roses and mums
to their knees with folded flair
the thakuras on the altar are having so much fun
they try to show how they've taken their place
in the hearts of everyone
Cycle Babble and i going out to pedal
cleaning the mud from the frames
off to places we seldom mention
starting at the mail box and sprinting on to
skater's hill where only dancers are allowed to perform
connecting thread of red and blue
Srimati Gandharvika's grape skirt a little short it's true
add another ruffle make it with flair
complete the picture with care
leis of tiny orchids and roses
a few narcissus and hyacinth for their noses
yellow purple and a little pink
push the limit of beauty to the brink
now two separate chodders
for Giridhari on Sunday
floating in a unique way
two jeweled flowery chodders
there aren't words enough to say
two separate chodders
mukuts brought the colors to life
leis of stock roses and a jonquil handful
spinning round with their dancing looks the best
pedaling along the main street
past marcedo de las pulgas where turtle doves tweet
happily to the beach hill
and natural bridges adorned with mossy frills
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls us back
once more to wake the thakuras form their nap
and see the two separate chodders
on an overcast spring forward day
in the evening red blue and green
a nightdress so fine to be seen
after dancing through the evening
'till brahma muhurta kirtan fest
around Radhastami with coming wind and rain
seamstress thought of an outfit to keep the thakuras warm
black and white with red velvet capes
with Srimati Gandharvika in a hood
now as the last of the orchids from hawaii are used for leis
devotees remember Gaura Purnima
how merciful Guru and Gauranga are
offering the gift of sankirtana
though rain has been forecast for the week
there hasn't been enough to speak
along the main street
to hear the whalers sing
Cycle Babble and i weave among the errand runners
to see udila naksatranam
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls us home
later sunset celebration chanting om
Bhakta Blade officiates
Baby blue on this evening's date
they enjoy like anything under the cloudy sky
till once again brahma muhurta opens our eyes
come running to make the outfit for Gaura Purnima
can't wait to see the new dress gleam
when the curtain opens you may need sun block
all the folks will be anxiously watching the clock
orange and blue all present gape
counting the pieces in Srimati Gandharvika's sari and Mahaprabhu's cape
loudly chanting and laughing too
all eyes in Jarikhanda forest strained to see him going through
purple red and orange roses in the leis
seamstress counted forty pieces that day
Cycle Babble and i see the drops of rain
forming puddles under oil in the traffic lane
could be a team up ahead working out
catch up to them find out what their all about
through lion's park to skater's hill
man at campa hatti filling the bill
through the village but the tourists are gone
won't be back till they feel the sun coming on
ratha-bhojana-vrska tries to make some sense
better get back and jump over the fence
kalarupa sets the pace most of the journey
as we greet Kumar sunset service has maya on the gurney
talking like a pirate babji
rides a horse of color never seen by you or me
fearlessly enters marikatamani puri
Srimati Gandharvika's effulgence is flowing
all around
if it pulls you up it'll never let you down
that's the amazing thing
about this pink, white and diamond outfit
her effulgence is displayed prominently
floating so well on the breeze
rose and leaf leis always please
raindrops keep falling everywhere
But between them Cycle Babble and i pedal and laugh without a care
the harder core cyclists find it cool
and in that mystic corridor cyclists rule
round the hook between the lakes
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls come back for heaven's sake
following kalarupa we get inside the gate
before the secret corridor disintegrates
as the sun goes down
and the shank sounds
the devotees all gather round
joining the ceremony of the bells
then their spirits swell
pale green purple and silver
dress tonight
thakuras dance by the fire's light
enjoying as long as the embers glow
right on up to the brahma muhurta show
today the thakuras are wearing Diet Olive
Mahaprabhu with his vest all three with the inverted pleat motive
their gentle smiles inviting all to serve
leis of snap dragons roses narcissus gerbera daises follow their body's curve
once again Cycle Babble and i enter between the drops
into the mystic corridor to pedal without getting sopped
a brave band of errand runners join in
this marvelous invention
in such a short time ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls come in from the rain
follow kalarupa back to the ashram plane
come celebrate the ceremony of the bells
seeing the faces of the thakuras will make you feel so well
Murka knows it's truthful
Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharivka-Giridhari glow ever youthful
evening brings Mahaprabhu in his dhoti white
Giridhari in the orange like a brahmacari tonight
Srimati Gandharvika has a purple sari
like the chodders of Mahaprabhu and Sri Giridhari
dancing and dancing they enjoy like anything
choreographed to the brahma muhurta bells ringing
when the full moon of phalguna is in the sky
sign of the lion in the jotish cakra
lion sign also in the moment of birth
sound of kirtan in the air
a great personality is appearing
by the river Giridhari is playing his flute
meditating on Srimati Gandharivka's feet
from the temple of her heart
Mahaprabhu's golden form is coming
leis today of snap dragons and petals too
rose at Giridhari's chodder and knee
turn their faces for the world to see
while that spring rain is still falling
the mystic corridor keeps calling
peddlers laugh while shifting gears
while their cabin fever disappears
most may never hear that sound
of the peddlers wafting over the ground
till Cycle Babble and i hear ratha-bhojana-vrksa call
we turn as usual and begin to haul
celebration of the sunset begins
when Murka sound the shank again
night dress of black with brown
and red that forms a phoenix bird with it's crown
dancing and dancing
till up to brahma muhurta when bhaktas come to sing
seeing the thakuras rise from bed
as folks walked into the natha mandir
saw the thakuras in a magical dress
all were amazed saying seamstress is quite impressive
a bungler asked if her could believe his eyes
are there both dragon and butterflies
in water color on this outfit
coming in for a closer look
checking out the leis
must have been a thousand petals
folded into patterns so bright they seamed to be ablaze
yet not a one of those folks knew
i was once a flower child
Cycle Babble said to me if we don't start pedaling
while it isn't raining
we'll be sorry
OPT made it a rare day coming with us here
like his brother who's hard core and pedals a fixed gear
sprinting through the village to have a little fun
it's where all the tourists go to bake out in the sun
yet they've never worshiped Vivasvan
who is the sun god
then from over our shoulder
heard ratha-bhojana-vrksa calling our names home
so we hammered back main street
to meet kalarupa
as we crossed the gate the shank was played
ceremony of the bells began
all the mission round mango yellow and blue
unusual but this synchronicity is true
and the thakuras enjoy like anything
early in this season of spring
next day it was ekadasi second this month
they wore every color in the rainbow
like a Queen from olden days
with rose and mum leis
reflecting every ray of sunshine
another day when Cycle Babble and i
were dry enough to pedal in the open
past the hook and the point then between the lakes
so much fun for gracious sakes
then ratha-bhojana-vrksa made the call
Cycle Babble knew we had to haul
or we'd be late for their waking
kalarupa showed us both the way
to make it back before the end of the day
Murka officiated the ceremony of the bells
singing with devotees brought smiles through the ashram dells
in the evening thakuras dressed in the touch that kills
to free us from mundane ills
make us all feel healthy
while they dance all night
in their silk from China
Janmastami day was coming
looking each day in the mail
for the dress for the small thakuras
when it arrived in a bag
and man who could understand why it said "pills"
was this one of the higher quarter's gag's?
reminiscent of Mahaprabhu as our only friend
and how he devised hari nama sankirtana
to cure all Kali's ills
today the leis have some roses
but mostly "mums" are the word
touching their knees in a light way
so they don't even feel the weight
now Cycle Babble and i are pedaling at the usual rate
and we see an interesting inscription surrounding a license plate
some towns boast being "by the sea"
but this one said it's "by the creek"
we just couldn't stop laughing
all the way to where the whalers were singing
isn't it so much fun when your pedaling friends
can talk look and remember all the same songs
and you do the same for them
we went on down to the sunny cove
but with the stiff breeze it sure felt cold
and between the lakes the geese were looking for a way to keep warm
right on to the tennis court where the players are on form
we pedaled as hard as we could
till ratha-bhojana-vrksa called out so we headed by to the wood
meeting kalarupa he leads us to the ashram fence
while Bhakta Blade is conducting the ceremony in the present tense
the laughing lion is this night's dress
by remembering his lotus feet we'll pedal
right out of this mess
and be there for the brahma muhurta celebration
of the new day with anticipation
the thakuras in the nathmandir
observing their devotees grinning faces
in their blue and yellow dress
they want to spread the fun
so they danced around to take their place
in the hearts of everyone
as the maker brewed the leis
mums and roses that reach their knees today
Cycle Babble and i get out for pedaling
sprinting past some usual places
and some that are almost never mentioned
sprinting round the hook to the sunny cove
where the bells of spring
have begun to ring
then on between the lakes
that's the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa for goodness sakes
hammering back up to the brightest place
past the marcedo de las pulgas empty now
meeting kalarupa who'll show us how
to get back in the blink of an eye
to slink in on the sly
as Murka begins the ceremony of the bells once more
then he after the ratri kalina bhoga he readies for his last day's chore
Pralhad-a-dad is the dress for the night
a panel skirt still spins so fine in the starry light
as Srimati Gandharvika and Giridhari enjoy their dance
till the brahma muhurta gives all the chance
to be seen by them
as the day begins again
Giridhari had some fun the night before
told some friends they all wanted to know
while one was looking down he put on a show
see the dolphins playing water sport
drawn in a funny spot
limit of cleverness don't know what you're missing
today outfit colors of a dolphin football team
leis of full roses
come to thakura's toeses
swaying as they dance
fanning even the smallest spark so it grows
Cycle Babble and i pedal along with the spring air and sunlight
it feels so right
like coming out after a long winter's nap
all the places from the hook to the cove
seem like a treasure trove
as we go pedaling through
new path along the beach
sufferers and errand runners
among the trainers and fixed gear freaks
still we're within reach
of the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa asking us to return home
meeting kalarupa we're already in the zone
floating to the ashram door
where Vijaya has been playing some more
Murka is celebrating the bells
won't you listen
in the fading sun they seem to glisten
the light green and purple night dress
must be for thursday, that's when everyone will come to be seen next
dance all night enjoy like anything
honoring the coming of spring
have you seen the thakuras in deep forest green
with the black crystal beads hanging down
they smile at all from the simhasana inviting all to come back home
with the silvery grey pleats in Gandharvika's sari
and Mahaprabhu and Giridhari's chodders
they take the love from their servants
returning benedictions of perm
the flower czar quietly makes the rose and petal leis
all the same color and patterns today
after madya kalia they signal Cycle Babble and i to pedal on
along the main street over the first highway
past campa hatti and the clank of the aluminum bat hearing the whalers play
a fixed gear freak can't keep up with this most strange pair
an errand runner on his rig that has a fifties kind of air
through town and up beach hill
kutir of Bhakta Blade is topping the bill
Seymour's museum is receiving guests
showing them the whales both blue and grey
then ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls
Cycle Babble starts to haul
got to get back through the forest
keeping the hook on the right and the pitch on the left
he meets with kalarupa who show the way to the ceremony
Murka performs bells moving rhythmically and funny
then he dresses them in the outfit made so fast it had to be an optical seclusion
tomorrow when they appear it will clear up the confusion
only once in while so the story goes
Gandharvka and Giridhari combine so
what his devotees feel you know
Srimati Gandharvika in traditional blue
and Giridhari's yellow
turns green on Mahaprabhu
taking their place on the altar they're a gem
and people come from all over the world just to see them
the czar questioned the leis maker where the flowers are
while she took roses and gerberas and turned them into stars
in the afternoon Cycle Babble and i heard the weather man
calling for a storm so we went out to pedal as hard as we can
behind teams and fixed gear freaks
the chill has some back in windbreakers this week
around the hook to the point and the cove of the sun
a newly paved trail has all joining the fun
as ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls us back
for the vaikalika service back on the track
Murka performs the ceremony of the bells
with the thakuras and their devotees enjoy the incense smell
later dress them for rest in the red olive trimming white
they dance in the far off jungle tonight
pink and white with effulgence and crystal beads
some call it a wedding cake
the little roses appear as frosting
mukuts only the seamstress could make
full rose leis simple elegant and light as Gurudeva decreed
as the rain comes down once again
Cycle Babble and i slip into the mystic corridor once again
between the drops to the fixed gear freaks chagrin
up to the the gupta govardhana hill
where the scent of daffodils is in the air
making our pedaling so fair
at the hook the rain is still falling
in to the sunny cove's pond
where we hear the ratha-bhojana-vrksa's call sound
so we hammer down
under the first highway to meet kalarupa
carefully pedaling a little slow
a haze over the trees we're passing under
with enough daylight left in the sky
Murka and the ceremony of the bells make our spirits fly
at night Hiranya Kasipu
soft gold and yellow fit is true
dancing on the simhasana
till brahma muhurta rises the sun
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