canary yellow dhoti, cloak of many colors
bright orange pants
big blue stars every thing else is duller
parrots and peacocks put every one in trance
full rose leis bouncing without strain
purify our minds in no time
bring us to the super mundane
to the main street and to the right
there’s a pace line in tight
over the first highway and dyitiya campa hatti
followed by Murkha, my buddy
around the hospital curve
at the tennis park the game is on serve
past natasala tracking cruisers to see their king
I stop at the shop while Murkha sprouts a wing
Got to bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
He and kalarupa chasing the sandhya faster than a rickshaw
Deep within the far off jungle, nightdress
Getting this darsana all are blessed
No more birth and death end the streak
By going to mangala arati
The yamuna side is silver
While the ganga side is gold
and the full moon over head looks like a rabbit you can hold
it’s rays so cool and bold
Today the mums and roses turn
To show their faces to world
the petals captivate you and you realize
they’re as delicate as pearls
have the maker show you how to twirl
crossing the main street to talk to friends
throughout the southland
for sure exchange is never bland
fixed gear freaks and cruisers stop
to wonder why Murkha hammers so after I leave
acquaint them with the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s piercing call
to follow the kalarupa to where the bunnies hop
When day has become nighttime
And the Deities are dressed for rest
“Hiranaya kasipu” is Saturday night’s best
now a service opportunity is here
Guruvarga is glad to see you here
Mrdangas and karatalas chime in time/
Kirtan party meanders in a crooked line
Come together beneath the math logo
Even pujari offers arati to the beat of holy rhyme
Striking of the clock says it’s time
To see the Deities “she’ll be there with bells on”
Green and purple dress after morning snana
rose leis with gerbera daisies smiling prime
soon arati bells are going to chime
for service “she’ll be there with bells on”
seymour’s museum beckons
murkha and I will pedal there I reckon
over the first highway and the baseball field
clank of the aluminum bat keeps an even keel
waving to the whalers by Saint Dagwood’s park
up beach hill across the railroad bridge
bears before the hotel on the ridge
there were sea lions bark on a rock
while the sufferers on their boards talk
sight of the abhavana mauli is the clue
Seymour and his great blue whale are in view
At the spinner’s church the hippies prayed
Next came the kutir of Bhakta Blade
At the shop I take my leave
Murkha through treacherous triangle I believe
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls shrill
Murkha drops the kalarupa you know the drill
Dark moon rising
Giridhar’s midnight blue is viewed by lightening
Taking rest with a halo
Of flowers colored lemon yellow
The moon was new the stars were bright
Thakuras in yellow with black trim
And bumblebees on the veil
Isn’t it that you notice how much light is missed
When new moon comes and it’s gone
at dawn I heard kernel of divine love exclaim
“that’s the yellow of the taxi cabs!”
and the Brahmin said he saw the same
isn’t that you notice the rose and lily leis
pop just a little more against the yellow today
Hey pujariji open the curtain please
Let’s see the stars on Giridhari’s dhoti
Don’t forget Gandharvika’s veil with bumblebees
murkha and I went to see more at Seymour’s museum
All the great blues outside
Such a thrill just to see ‘em
Descending beach hill through Saint Dagwood’s
I leave at the shop Murkha continue as he should
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa gets a bow
Kalarupa reminds him to get there now
In baby blue Giridhari wears the whites
As he takes rest on the Monday nights
Seeing this dress says there’s
some kind of secret
Panjika has it locked
But laughter behind the curtain is a ki
To the clandestine schedule
Nila, aruna and Syama
LIVE at the arena pure consciousness
Circling the research park
Coming to main street a stray barks
Fixed gear freaks pass Sunday in the afternoon
Between the lakes sufferers on the loose
Windmill pedalers sip tea in view of a single goose
Later keeping the pitch on the right
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls Murkha to flight
He and kalarupa in the sandhya chase
Greeted by vijaya’s smiling face
Pralhad-a-dad, the nightdress, Orange panels
From the nrsimha channel
Rest for the night
dancing once murkha turns out the light
Wednesday morning the madhuryadhuti
nearly blinds me
and at the edge of the effulgence
I hear a train coming to purify my sense
Pink and white with crystal mukuts
This darsana renders material happiness kaput
Leis of leaves and roses
Their aroma tickles everyone’s noses
Murkha and I see it’s time to pedal away
Down the big street
where there’s a convention of cruisers to meet
though construction crews fence the beach
gritty sufferers still ride any waves within reach
the natasala has it’s line
around the corner is the king’s sign
as always I end at the shop
while Murkha returns using beasts as a backdrop
bowing to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
the kalarupa follows him as a fixture
the lotus nails orange and green
offered Nrsimhadeva form never before seen
protecting Prahlad
by subduing his dad
Narahari avatar
Mahaprabhu came to search all the lost souls
Hoping the kirtan party won’t pass them by
This opportunity is prime
Take darsana of Parsley, sage, rosemary and time
Smell the flowers in the sky
Don’t miss the creative leis
Roses, mums and flowers found on the land today
The southland where the friends meet now
Adjourning “we’ll take up again” they vow
Through the lion’s park one there has a fire
near the campa hatti the skaters go higher
along the coast the sufferers are in their wetsuits
murkha and I chase the wild goose
the natasala around the corner salute the king
I take leave and murkha takes wing
At the ratha-bhojana-vrksa he folds his palms
While the kalarupa remains calm
Sandhya waits
While Murkha bunny hops the gate
The devotees take the instruction to their heart
Say “Krsna is a brahmacari” see the water part
Wearing this nightdress
The thakuras show how devotees pass the test
For all fallen souls Mahaprabhu seized the time
he’s radha and krsna combined
took sanyasa by and by
so even the students couldn’t hide
come take divine love, never know ‘till you try
rose and petal leis
yellow & blue unite as green takes us back to stay
all the way back home
spinning the long and winding road
over first highway to the whaler’s abode
left at hospital curve along to the tennis park
between the lakes geese honk Murkha says “Hark!
it’s the toad I see!” and he pedals along for a mile
the three chat and joke and it raises a smile
at the wharf road Toad and I take leave
then Murkha knows a famed tree waits to receive
his respect and send him along with kalarupa
all the way to the sandhya and all of it’s hoopla
time for rest and on Friday night they bungle
wearing nightdress deep within the far off jungle
on Saturday we remember devotees all around
wishing to come for vyasa puja and immerse
in festivity thakuras wearing across the universe
they won’t quit
till Gurudeva makes them fit
to receive the mercy flowing
and their inner self starts glowing
amaryllis, rose mums and lily leis
reflecting the moon’s benediction ray
right to the big street and the beach
sufferers see the waves within reach
the windmill is on the right
breeze moves the sailboats like a kite
I part with Murkha going to the shop
He turns to climb to the hilltop
Then bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
Leading the kalarupa to follow gurusiksa
Nightdress hiranya kasipu
With it’s golden yellow hue
Lying down for the night rest
As each Saturday you may have guessed
Come see the thakuras in green and purple
Eyes running all along the zigzag
In each outfit you’re aware
Mrdunga and karatalas mix in mid air
Dahlias and roses make the leis
Prime cause in his divine play
Among friends in research park
engage in some affable tark
two squat pedalers
out to catch a few rays
dazed sufferers emerging from the ocean spray
ratha-bhojana-vrksa will call when it’s time
no need to hear the clock chime
fixed gear freaks and kalarupa close the rhyme
from the natasala to the village
over the beach hillage
welcome back by the cottontail hares
in the ninth Guru maharaja’s janma dina
deep blue, red and green
they dance all night on the scene
peacock feather fan
cools Giridhari at mid-day
or sikhipicca camara as the Bengalis say
visalaksa fans him for his pleasure
this vision is such a treasure
blissful lily and marigold leis
intoxicate all who come to gaze
over the first highway past the aluminum bat
the whalers know where it’s at
murkha and I pedal our way through treacherous triangles
and saint Dagwood’s park while the beasts tangle
climbing the beach hill past Neptune’s kingdom
it’s time I say “good-bye”
letting Murkha
get back to work
answering the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s cry
the laughing lion nightdress
they spin around till they take rest
following Gurudeva’s request
have you seen
the form of the lion
at the moment of birth
if he also creeps into the jotish cakra
among the constellations
appearing in both he signals
a great personality is soon to take birth
he teaches his lost servants
to dance in the kirtan to taste love divine
he wears the colors of blue and pink
with puspa mukuts no one even wants to blink
may this vision of leis of lilies, marigolds and roses be placed deep in your heart
can even arati times, beasts from the
ridiculous to the sublime
keep Murkha and I from pedaling away
ha! Never underestimate the power
of a good ride!
cruisers and fixed gear freaks
show solidarity as murkha and I join
iron horse’s trail perhaps to purloin
each of us contemplates “simha rasi simha lagna”
greeted by Cecil Bruner saying “Begin the yajna”
orange with panel skirt nightdress.
pralhad-a-dad, from nrsimha caturdasi
time for evening dance when he turns out lights
it seemed the puckawalla would goof on you for ever ‘cause you don’t dress as classy as he
but when you see the thakurs clothes made with such devotion
with colors that strike your eyes as cintamani stones then you touch your head to the floor before them with prayers of full submission while their sparkling toenails are inviting you to be fixed in the dust of their lotus feet
seeing this brown outfit trimmed with raw sienna hoping it takes it’s place in the inner most core of your heart
tiny purple stock flowers along with fragrant roses are swaying with their bodies soft as baby’s breath in the center
said his name was velocipede and he rode on carbon fiber but he could not keep it for it would shatter from going too fast
still Murkha and I go onward round the windmill between the lakes where the geese are honking at all who pass
I take my leave at the natasala where Murkha keeps on pedaling through the treacherous triangle quite smoothly
Over the first highway at the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa meeting with the kalarupa
Chasing him all the way to the sandhya
Greeted by the cottontail hares waiting for the ceremony to begin
O deer dough with your mint and deep green can you show us how to engage in your service even as you take your evening rest
Don’t want to miss ekadasi
Private would make it no fun
Everyone knows how he gets so bossy
very good when the day is done
thakuras dress has every color a rainbow
srimati Gandharika is molten gold
way more than a queen from days of old
flowers from asrama’s land
keep the leis from getting bl.and
coming out around the research park
up snob hill down through the village on a lark
sufferers on white caps
folks on the sand clap
cruisers are all the way up to the harbor
a bit away from their turf for sure
I take leave at the corner
House that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot
On Murkha’s right on the way back
a group of roadies on the attack
the kalarupa awaits while ratha-bhojana-vrksa
sees Murkha bow and scrape
on the way to the sandhya joggers wave
vijaya is greeting Murkha and trying to behave
lime green and silver for rest
darsana at mangal arati all will be blessed
the thakuras define cool
let’s set that straight
when the teacher and his class left school
the traffic made the arati wait
gaura purnima is our Saint patrick’s day
everyone heard the teacher say
purple color of the Easter season
straight from the nutshell that’s the reason
this one is called Saint Patrick’s Easter comes fashionably late
over the first highway
past the dvitiya campa hatti
clank of the aluminum bat
the whalers know where that’s at
around hospital curve
at the tennis park the leader is on serve
the natasala and the shop I depart
murkha spins back to serve the lord of his heart
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls but stays calm
when murkha comes and folds his palms
kalarupa gives chase
still Murkha goes along setting the pace
it’s the sandhya greeted by Vijaya
Murkha lets out a sigh
Deep within the far off jungle is the nightdress olive white and red
After dancing they lay down their heads
All the ghee is clear
And the foam is beige
This was offered
On a vyasa puja day
All felt safe and secure to hear him say
“all gain, no risk”
spreading the moon’s Benedictive ray
came into the nath mandir
to hear the kirtan play
went flat like a rod
and began to pray
Gurudeva calls to me
Asks if I’m gonna stay
what other conclusion
when you see the thakuras dressed this way
outfit named havirbhu
All the ghee is clear
And the foam is beige
Murkha and I on the main street this foggy day
Crossing the first highway the whalers say “hey!”
Through Saint Dagwood’s park
rounding the navapatra the pedals spark
udila naksatranam shines a light
murkha and I take the right
at the corner I take leave
murkha goes into a weave
through treacherous triangle
and beasts wrangle
ratha-bhojana-vrksa awaits
murkha bows his joining kalarupa his old mate
back to the sandhya it’s never stale
where he’s greeted by a gaggle of quail
soft yellow and gold comfort for rest
swirling and dancing through the night they jest
Sunday the smooth dancing actor was in town
dressed in purple and yellow garb
the touch that kills put them to sleep
without so much as a peep
hot days followed Friday the thirteenth was red
featuring a sleeveless vest and halo over head
o there are names for the tirthas &dhamas
blue Giridhari wears the whites
for the other two it’s baby blue
copper, deep blue and white
for the full moon night
a silk turban’s true value
talking like a pirate they dance all night
and learn the karatalas too
a bracelet with the silver and pink
in the middle there is a star what do think
call this superstar
the lotus nails of the lord
more than any weapon can afford
saved the devotion
eliminated the demon and kept the benediction
in the kali yuga killing would spare no one
but it’s the mind that must be over come
so “I want it” is all Mahaprabhu ask them to give
the necessity is “Dietolive” with leis like jewels
their darsana provides the fuel
to break through the walls of the fort
a lion on the chase
nightdress takes us out with haste
back for the mangal arati
and the morning sankirtan party
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