Monday, April 26, 2010

Picking out the cloth for the is outfit was “heaps of fun”
Like a pilgrimage of the shops in Navadvipa stopping at each one
Adding a peacock rescued while hanging upside down
It's the oldest of all but in a new dress now
Had a sweet time sewing this for gaura purnima day
Seems like every outfit turns out well but in it's own way
A sumanas flower donation? follow the kesar petals to see how
Beautiful the leis look on the oldest of but in a new dress now
A late start pedaling around the southland mahamuni's post box is on the right as Murkha and I make the right to the lion's park where the tables are empty up the hill to the campa hatti going left under the first highway into the village circling around to the beach watching the sufferers play one is in the mirror pedaling along with his board in his hand tracing the geese all the way to the harbor where the boats are coming home at the natasala there is a show on and I take my leave while Murkha goes through the treacherous triangle to the ramp the pitch is on the right but no game is going on the wharf road takes Murkha back to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he folds his palms and chases the kalarupa to the sandhya where he is greeted by due young miss Vrajalalana asking if he has seen Anu
The grace of the Guru varga brings the astra of “the touch that kills” all desire for the joy of this mundande world by quietly replacing that taste with the taste of “the higher stuff”


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