Have you seen the hari nama party?
Teaching divine love to all the world
As inspired by Mahaprabhu and sri guru
I'm waiting here in front of the natasala
For the Hari Nama party to take me from this mundane plane
Can't take it any longer
My senses are trying to bring me down
tears of separation that will free my eternal soul
now I can hear the Hari nama party
Going join in with them
Want to be gurudeva's child try to be a devotee
Then try to share the love divine
For the price of one's faith give the holy name to one and all
Leis from flowers from the land and the maker's garden
Daffy dills and daisies are from the land while freesias are from the maker's garden.
Taking off to the navapatra where the news is still one everyone's lips. Pictures, videos, and accounts are abounding. Murkha and I take off from there to the post box of Mahamuni. Through the lion's park . On one of the lawns there are wooden animals engaged in various sports. Left at the campa hatti to the village and the beach the pitch is closed to spare the grass. Another team is coming from town chattering and laughing as they sprint by all the recreational pedalers. There are some boats out but many are in due to a slight breeze and the idea of rain in the air. When Murkha and I reach the natasala I take my leave and Murkha rounds the corner to the reviewing stand. Sneaking through the treacherous triangle Murkha flies down the ramp and up to the wharf road. over under around and through to the calling of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he bows his head and the kalarupa encourages him to the sandhya to be greeted by the sloka slinger ,the gangster of prema himself who smiled to see his asarvada hat.
Gangster putra bhakta blade had the thakuras dancing this evening so much that Srimati Gandharvika's mukut came off. As he dressed them in “the touch that kills” his anarthas must have taken flight like birds from a tree pleasing the thakuras so much.
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