Sunday, March 28, 2010

Darsana in the nath mandir
Eye exercise but with service intent
Sunburst flowers in the effulgence
Blue with yellow sunflowers trimming yellow clothes
Rising from the dandvat tuck
Can’t believe our unimaginable luck
You might well remember December’s unstoppable rain
Collecting flowers for the leis could drive one insane
Now through open windows incense wafts
Blending with the kirtan sound and now the leis have roses, leaves, and jasmin daffy dills from all across the land a sure sign of spring
Murkha, my friend, and I pedal away so easily
To the navapatra for the highway and a chat with friends
Ah, but cannot talk too much longer now the hour is getting late
Time to take off for the beach where all the sufferers come and go
Joggers with strollers too
Teams are out there is one in a full race mode
Some one a cruiser breaks their rhythm
Team surrounds and drops him
Murkha and I swing by the natasala where I have to take leave Murkha takes the right at the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot blending with the other pedalers to the redone road. The tennis park is on the right. At the toad road Murkha takes another right. A basketball park is on the left and in a couple of blocks the navapatra is on the right once again. Going to the wharf road chasing the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa, murkha folds his palms on arrival. The kalarupa is on track and leads him to the sandhya greeted by a van full of folks on their way to some kind of celebration.
The soft yellow and gold silky nightdress from Nrsimha caturdasi is called hiranya kasipu. They’re ready for their evening pastimes to go on enjoying like anything.


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