Monday, July 02, 2007

Orange yellow and red it will keep the Deities on the top of our heads. One of the young folks asked if they had a dress with those colors. The seamstress asked me about colors for the next dress one Gaura Purnima and now you transcendental man, whisper what color you want, tell me if you can. She ran with it and added the orange for Mahaprabhu and Giridhari's jacket and pleated underskirt for Gandharvika made the devotees dance and forget about material conception for a while.
Dip and gravel with a long skid mark and each day when i go by and see i look straight ahead and i won't be me who next gets taken down. After that it was a typical day through the parking lot of the hopsital over the highway and through the harbor to shopper's corner i go, the pedals know the way to carry my sleigh past the sufferers and white capped waves. Darting through the town until i past the opal cliff and turned my face back to the asrama for the evening sing along.
Tonight they're going to drink mango lassi allnight long and celebrate the warm it's monday so we'll call it baby blue.



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