Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Syama, Nila, and Aruna Live at the arena of the pure consciousness. This is the vyasa puja dress. The second time they've worn it. Another one that some of the folks haven't seen. The garlands are light like Guru Maharaja says they should be. Sometimes they're so heavy you can see the Deities bending under the weight. The devotees used to make full rose garlands for Srila Prabhupada that had four around the garlands probably weighed as much as he did. It must have been driving him mad to carry that weight but he never complained. So i hope on days the garland makers can't restrain themselves that Gandharvika and Giridhari along with Sri Guru and Mahaprabhu also accept the love with which they're made
i thought that the solstice would chase away the darkness faster than it did tonight. after the east cliff, the shopper's corner and the bickal cycle shop long the harbor and tween the twins laughing in the sunny cove all the way back to the asrama, the light disapeared and i'd left my light there so it was pedaling by sonar skill this evening. Even though it was back to routine day there were lots of pedalers out welcoming the new year.
The lions club this evening. A good dress for a cold winter night. The divine couple go out dancing and Mahaprabhu knows that's sankirtana party time and his ankle bells jingle.



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