Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday is purple. Already they've worn purple a couple of days this week. So shut up kid was the choice, mostly pink for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika. Giridhari has a purple jacket that flies in the breeze and winds behind Mahaprabhu's arm on one side and on the other into Gandharvika's veil. Full roses and petals in the garlands. The center featured marigolds. i'm not superstisious, no i'm not superstisious.
Only black trucks that tried to cut me off today showed any semblance of the date in question. Some several single pedalers out training today. Most made a high sign, some of the "serious" ones don't. "That's for the mountain men" One soccer mom pulled in front of me and a minute later went through a stop sign in front of another oncomming car. i heard the driver exclaim as she pulled out of sight, "Hi! How are you" as he looked to chastisize her. Round about by the hospital and back to the asrama. Looking at my chronograph i noticed i only had a moment to make it back for the sunset, so i had to take a short cut. Made it just under the tag.
The night dress from September one and ten one and two thousand. They must have had some plan for this evening since they had me dressing them quite quickly and for now they lie down only for a moment and happily engage in their pastimes.


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