Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hurah for the red, white and blue. One person thought that should have been the name for this dress. But as i've probably said before it's not. They wore it today by coincindince. Had i thought about it when i made the schedule i wouldn't have done it that way. Maybe that's one up to Krsna's arrangement. There isn't really any white in it, really there's only red, blue and silver. The blue is a sky blue not quite the deep blue usually refered to. And the silver is light enough that from a distance it might look white buti don't see it, maybe that's cause i know it's not white.
Today was quite strange for pedaling. i don't think i've seen so few people on the roads in a long time. i could count the headlights on main street on my fingers. People were congregated around stores, beaches, and fire water shops. i pedaled by a large number of block parties. People in the streets dancing and swaying to live bands. Seemed to be one on each block. One place some young children came up to each car and said "Honk your horn!!!!!" As i pedaled by they said "Ring your bell!!" Alas this craft hasn't got a bell.
Tonight was a meeting of the lions club. Giridhari allowed me to not forget his jewelry. A night dress that's held up well over the years. The small Radha and Krsna and Mahaprabhu's version of this one was getting bad enough that it was retired two or three years ago. But Gandharvika Giridhari's is still in fine shape.


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