Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Last night the Deities wore the same Nadiya Sasadhara that they wore today. Yesterday i asked the seamstress which crowns to use with it and she told me silver. But today when i dressed them i used gold ones. She liked it much better. Did anyone else notice if they looked different than yesterday? i just can't say
Pedaling down by the city college and then back round the beach through downtown and off to the natural bridge. A bit breezey but at least it stayed dry. There were joggers with mp3's jogging under the trees, a lady who picked up and carried her son, while a lonely one cried out for love but had none. The sea gulls watched all of this fun and i pedaled hard as i could to in time get done.
This evening the sorcerer's apprentace dressed the Deities by his own mental strength. Or so he said. Last night some one had made a necklace for Mahaprabhu butit could not be found. Then this evening as i picked up Gandharvika's skirt what to my drooping eyes should appear? The necklace that i'd thought couldn't be there.
Does Madhavendra Puri come to mind?


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