Monday, March 06, 2006

One early dress. As i recall it was the first red one. Gandharvika has a long sleeve choli in this one. That only happens in a couple. This is the first dress that Gandharvika's veilis attached to the skirt. It's got two big peacocks on the polo. Giridhari has a waist coat that flairs a bit. Mahaprabhu has a red sash that's kind of unique to this dress.
Six of one today. i pedaled outside 'till the rain came today. i had to finish on the trainer. It was a warmish day due to the overcast but when the rain came so did the cold. Well, that's the way winter goes.
The same Monday night dress as always. The small Deities have the same night dress. They get changed in the afternoon as well as the morning and evening. The big Deities accept the service through them. That is the small Deities get bathed and the big Deities are bathed. The small ones are laid in bed and the big ones accept that and on and on.


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