Monday, January 14, 2013

wearing a feathered mukut with peacock colors embroidered feathers on his red kirta and dhoti Giridhari dances and plays his flute take leis of roses with lilies in the center and hang it round his shoulders and only a truly steel framed heart could resist the urge to serve cycling on out like world wide traveler keeping Mahamuni's post box on the right pedaling hard to stay in day's light through the lion's park and up the skater's hill watching the guys in their curious clothes getting their thrill down to where the opals are sufferers come from near and far fixing their boards to their bikes and trying to keep up with the team cycle babble and i are going along in between past the tennis park to the natasala and treacherous triangle seeing the beasts fuzzy dice on their mirror dangle the whalers sing out in rhyme over the first highway the sirens chime ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees us bow our heads gotta get the Deities out of bed one from the next phase welcomes us ceremony of the bells is a must in swarga mega they take their rest to be ready for mangal arati's fest


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