Wednesday, December 07, 2011

walking through the forest all the creatures along the way
experienced his magic
wonderful chanting he showed
made tigers and does and bucks dance
heard two parrots talk in a divine trance
leis of roses and mums
inviting all to the kirtan party to have some fun
peacock mukuts with effulgence to match
what a picture to catch
pedaling through the dark and cold
but with flashing light Murka and I can be bold
speaking with friends on the highway
no better way to spend the day
a pace line goes by and smiles
they figure Murka and I are pretty wild
wrapped up tight fixed gear freaks are ready
while ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls steady
meet the kalarupa at the gate
coming in at a fantastic rate
greeted by the sandman
sandhya happens soon as it can
panel skirt and Giridhari’s vest
outstanding in this nightdress
go out dancing in a mood so divine
returning for mangal arati ready to shine


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