Sunday, November 01, 2009

I was born at the stroke of midnight
when the cats had all been put to bed
brother on guard at the doorway
keep the evil spirits at bay
every shade of purple in this outfit
offered on vyasa puja day
mums and roses strung together
look out! Gandharvika’s has broken
get another maker to fix up the lei
the highway beckons
come and talk to so many friends
cross the main street to the southland
circle to the campa hatti hospital curve
is on the way the tennis park is on the left side
the redone street is on the right
going on to the natasala
where the people wait in line
for the first show on Friday
Murka and I say good-bye
He goes through the treacherous triangle
Straight on to the wharf road wind
has put the upper branches of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa in a tangle
still the kalarupa is there to chase him along to the sandhya
making sure he’s there on time
come along take off the leis
put the clothes away neatly
picking flowers for the mangala arati
they’ll be dressed in the deep within the far off jungle
when the devotees come to see.
Gaura Purnima
On the full moon
this outfit is “ganga yamuna”
it came as if in a dream
the full moon of Nadia
first tried with silver mukuts
but next when the gold ones were put
came the greater rave
they’ve seen the dress with both kinds
and praise the change of mind
leis of rose petals folded just right
reflecting the maker’s inner light
Murka and I are out to do some quick chatting with folks on the highway. Then it’s over the first one and past the field of the clank of the aluminum bat. The whalers are dressed in costume in honor of the day so the ghosts and hobgoblins won’t recognize them and pass along their way. through the treacherous triangle where the people are lining up again for the natasala, I take leave there but Murka goes on down beyond Saint Dagwood’s park to see them chanting. Back along the main street branch to the pedaler’s ramp and keeping the pitch on the left circles the hook all the way to the point. Taking the big street to the main one and crossing the first highway for the second time he hasn’t lost the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa pedals alongside to make it for the sandhya.
Hiranyakasipu, the soft nightdress of yellow and gold this evening when the hour comes back that took off last March.


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