Friday, October 12, 2007

"I was born at midnight" Guru Maharaja begins the auto part of his biography. This one was offered on the anniversary of that day and it has all the shades of purple legions associated with midnight. The necklaces, chokers and earrings came from different folks for that and other holidays. "When I heard that Vrndavan was for shallow thinkers" it caused in me an inquisition, I had to find out what it was all about and doing that I fell head over heals for Mahaprabhu's bheada abheada tattva
With the raindrops falling today it made it fun to pedal between them. All along the opal cliff and then point of the hook to the windmill along the harbor and the jazzersize to the theater. There's the hog farm leather jackets with cities on their backs the shopper's corner and the cruiser king is in his court. The oriental street food vendor is on hand with his organic produce. People's park is full of umbrellas today. Then it's along the redone road to the toad road and beyond to the fruit market. From there it's the wharf road and back for the sunset even though the overcast and rainy skies block the sun.
Now as lights are thinking to close their tired eyes the Deities put on their deep within the far off jungle night dress and take their rest for the day.



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