Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Capitan Maha Muni purchased Gandharvika's sari, a beautiful blue, Sue 'Nila Vasana. The garlands are of flowers from gardens around town and donations from a local grocer and the star gazers look perfect.
Double backing over the main drag past the gateway, the chinese take out and the jalapeno. Firstly straight back through the harbor football field then hanoi jane's. Over the bridge crossing the freeway. Back to wake from yoga nidra. Then repeat up to the theater where i took the route to the jazzersize and the speechless baba's house. Along the restored road to the tennis park and on making the ralph at the pet hopsital to loop around the southern portion of the asrama road, returning for the sandhya.
The lotus nails this evening. Gandharvika was playing hide and seek with her nose ring. i'd put it in her nose and then i'd see it was gone so i'd have to search the altar for it. Replace and repeat a couple of minutes later. A way of staying up a little later.



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