Friday, February 23, 2007

Roses mixed in with narcissus for today's garlands. The Chipmonks were here along with the hoops in Gandharvika's skirt. Purple, creamy white and silver are the colors in this outfit. One of the first dresses to be a short cut Janmastami (slash) Radhastami one. It has been the best one so far. This one has enough piecies that it all but looks like two separate outfits. That made it passable better than some of the ones that came after'
The rain stayed away today. Lots of pedalers were out today squeezing a chance to pedal in between the raindrops. The tour came through early this morning so the plastic jerseys were around town from the natural bridge to the fish hook and down along the beach up to the opal cliff. another finely fancy ramble.
Tell me lies is the night dress this evening. As the chodders came off the vase flowers dropped petals all over. The chill in the air made me bring in a heater in case the chill turns into the freeze of a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps they'll stay behind the curtain this evening instead of venturing out for external frolicking.



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