Wednesday, September 20, 2006

One two three four tell 'em what the Deities wore. A beautiful blue sari, Sue 'nila Vasana. That's what Gandharvika had on today. With it she has pink and purple jewelry. A deep blue choker brought from India by someone here. Mahaprabhu has orange, mango and yellow pants. Giridhari has yellow dhoti and jacket with purple chodder and sash. Giridhari wears his peacock crown and effulgence while Mahaprabhu and Gandharivka wear gold jari.
pedaling to see the sea lions on their rock and the monarch butterfly habbitat by the natural bridge. Through the homless garden project. Passing by the sufferers at the steamer's alley. The deity of the sufferer has been wearing this garland for about a week it looks. 57 miles to the gallon for 99 dollars a month the sign in the motorcycle shop reads while i head back for the evening. As i wind up the road the daylight leaves. The race is close, i think i just make it in before the purple tents of night are pitched.
The orange night dress from so many Nrsingha Caturdasis ago, Pralad-a-dad. Outside the curtain a young ballerina is dancing on the floor. Back on the other side of the curtain, i lay the Deities down in beds covered with aromatic flowers and ask them to happily enjoy their pastimes.


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