Saturday, September 02, 2006

A new dress, a night one at that. New jewelry, hair and clothes for the Radhastami day. They call east bengal the Radha desa, call this baby blue. Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika have the baby blue as the main color with a bit of white and gold trim. Giridhari is the opposite, white with blue and gold. That because he's blue anyway and having him wear blue just wouldn't look right. Bangles, berets, rings and manatika were the gifts Gandharvika recieved today.
Pedaling along the wharf i looked to my left and saw to very large pelicans. Wonderful birds they are too. The rest of the pedaling was about like the other days before. past the old movie theater, the school and through the construction zones. A lot of people pedaling with their families so at times it was a little slow.
Since today was a night dress offering they wore it for this evening too. The folks will find out at the mangala arati that it is a night dress.


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