Saturday, August 05, 2006

"But these garlands have these wild roses in them that will wilt by tomorrow" that's what today's garland maker told Sunday's. Sunday's wanted me to put the ones made for tomorrow on the Deities today since they were finished at the same time. "Yours are more oppulent and so better for Sunday". Still i decided on the ones for today any way. "Is this outfit one they wear every Ekadasi?" Yes. "I never noticed. How long has that been true?" "Ten years" i answered. Giridhari's cape and the multicolored sari of Gandharivka and kirta and dhoti of Mahaprabhu make the dress have a color for any day of the week.
i am too much addicted to pedaling. This evening's arati was more than a bit late because of that. The everday run but i just must have started that much latter than i thought. Everyone waited paitently but combined with the long kirtan it was a late arati. But since it's supposed to be at the junction of the day and night it really wasn't so far off.
It's a miracle that they let me keep doing this isn't it? "Why do you wrap your upavit around your thumb when you take the kartals?" 'cause one devotee used to joke with me that way since i do that with the things offered at arati. Maha krpa patra prabhu jagai madai/ patita pavana saksi dui bhai


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